Attorney General's Office is investigating former president of El Salvador Francisco Flores

Luis Martinez, Attorney General of El Salvador, admitted this morning that he is investigating former president of El Salvador Francisco Flores for the crime of money laundering.

While the investigations are underway against former president, the Attorney General requested that the process be respected, as stipulated by law.

Martinez met with the key legislators who are members of the committee of public safety and fight against drug trafficking, gathered in a hotel in downtown San Salvador to analyze the Money Laundering Law, currently under study by El Salvador’s National Assembly.

The investigation against former president Flores focuses on the disappearance of a $10 million donation by the Government of Taiwan to former President Flores to rebuild the country after the earthquake in 2001.

The opposition party ARENA and its presidential Formula, Quijano and Cuadra, who appointed Flores as their General Campaign Manager, dissociated themselves from the investigation.
They told reporters this morning that it is Mr. Flores who must be held accountable for the $10 million donated by Taiwan, not ARENA.



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